Saturday, September 4, 2010

"How beautiful!... It's endangered." (The American, 2010)

Movie: The American

Rating: R

Release Year: 2010

Notable Cast: George Clooney, Violante Placido

Stars: 1

Review: My first thought when watching this movie was-- OMG George Clooney looks SO OLD! What the heck happened?! He acted like an old, retired fellow also-- I didn't buy him in the hero role. My subsequent thoughts were about how incredibly boring and cliched this movie is. I really enjoy good action-adventure flicks (probably my favorite is "The Italian Job," check it out if you get the chance!), and this movie failed to deliver. It was slow, uninteresting, and wholly predictable. One small thing I did really enjoy though was the butterfly metaphor throughout the movie (the "beautiful" in the post title quote was referring to a butterfly). I advise against watching this movie, but if you do, look out for the butterflies and consider the (albeit cliched!) symbolism :)

This movie was what I call a "severe rated R," rated for adult situations. Definitely don't let your kids see it!

Good date movie? Dude, this movie isn't good for anyone, in any situation. Avoid!

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