Thursday, September 1, 2011

"Apes alone...weak. Apes together strong." (Rise of the Planet of the Apes, 2011)

Movie: Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Rating: PG-13

Release Year: 2011

Notable Cast: James Franco, Freida Pinto

Stars: 2.5

Review: In general, this was a pretty good movie with small flashes of brilliance. In fact, it is only just shy of achieving 3 stars. Story and execution were excellent, particularly in terms of the conscientious attention to detail given that this is a prequel to the infamous Planet of the Apes (POTA). Without giving too much of POTA away, let me say that there are certain idiosyncratic characteristics of the apes in POTA which are explained in this movie. For example, in POTA the apes wear peculiar helmets and ride on horses, and in Rise, we see policeman at the end of the movie wearing similar garb. It is admirable that the writers of this movie would take the time with this prequel to set-up its successor so seamlessly.

By far the best, most amazing and thrilling aspect of this movie was the CG. Really impressive! I was blown away. They did a remarkable job. Lots of props here!

Positives aside, there were certainly some blaring negatives. Dialogue was bland and disappointing at times. Delivery and acting was just okay, with Freida Pinto, as a budding star, somewhat timid. I think she has some potential, but has yet to really own her roles and truly make the audience believe her characters. James Franco is a decent actor, and I appreciate that he seems to be steadily improving (i.e., better acting now than compared to Spiderman).

Good date movie? Sure!

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