Sunday, August 29, 2010

"If you look for it, I've got a sneaking suspicion... love actually IS all around." (Love Actually, 2003)

Movie: Love Actually

Rating: PG-13

Release Year: 2003

Notable Cast: Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Colin Firth, Laura Linney, Emma Thompson, Alan Rickman, Keira Knightley, Rowan Atkinson

Stars: 4

Review: Such a wonderful movie! This movie is one of my all-time favorites. The title may lead one to the belief that this movie is a cheesy and predictable chick-flick, but, in fact, it has a number of different plot lines which are intertwined to give a rather broad look at love. I believe that most everyone can find at least one or two plot lines to pique their interest. The stories range from being sad to being sweet to being devastating to being star-crossed to being scandalous. I appreciate that the writers did not attempt to do too much editorializing-- the stories are presented quite simply and it is up to the viewer to formulate his own opinions. I find this movie particularly endearing in its ability to captivate audiences at a variety of depths-- that is to say, one can enjoy this movie on multiple levels, as he so desires. For example, a superficial viewing presents an enjoyable flick perfect for lighthearted movie nights and a deeper viewing encourages contemplation of moral indiscretion and the oft-harsh realities of love. Fun for most everyone! Please note that a select couple of the scenes are not appropriate for younger audiences.

Good date movie?  Definitely!


  1. I loved this movie. Of course I am a huge Colin Firth Fan and so when they came out with this I had to see it. Each of the character stories are very interesting and almost all of them make sense. My favorite part is where the rejected guy holds up signs and says he will love her until he dies... That part always makes me tear up... And I love where Colin Firth goes to Portugal and asks Aurelia to marry him... It was such a good movie.

    I give it 2 thumbs up!!!

  2. Monika this is awesome! I love your blog and it looks lovely as well. Can't wait to read more!!! And I agree, I love this movie--there's something in it for everyone.

  3. should do a compare and contrast. The two are very similar, yes? (I LOVE this movie too, as well as the Bollywood one. "The fire is in the front!")
